Saturday, January 7, 2012

100 Strangers

Oh my gawwwd I really have been slack with my blog...

Well hopefully a couple of projects I'm starting will help me to grow more with my blogging skills amoung some other skills, which is the whole reason I've decided to take them on.

My 1st project which I already started is "A Photo A Day".. so far I've only committed myself to the month of January... as I'd already  tried the "365 Day Challenge" last year which teetered off somewhat after May..

If this month goes well I may resume it again in July.

My 2nd project is "100 Strangers" where I approach complete strangers, ask them if I can take their photograph so that I may better my social and technical skills.. and also learn more about people in my community.

Being a Mum of 4 children.. it can be hard trying to find the time to get on here and post my most recent shots... but hopefully once I start my "100 Strangers" challenge I'll push myself more to share with you all how I'm going and how it's helping me grow as a photographer.

So.. for now I'll leave you with images i've already taken of my Family in my "Photo A Day" challenge :o)

Please feel free to leave a comment, as I reeeeally do enjoy reading them.
And if you are undertaking a similar challenge or would like to share some of your images, please leave a link to them so that I may check them all out :o)


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