Sunday, September 25, 2011

800 Liker Winners

I know some of you have been waiting to hear who won.. one of the three Photo sessions that were part of my 800 Liker Giveaway.. I should've drawn the winners last night, but it totally slipped my mind that yesterday was also my Husband's & My 7th Wedding Anniversary ♥

Please send me an email to receove your free Photo Shoot, so that we can organise your session dates.

You can email me here:

Well without further ado... I'll announce the winners...

Donna Hudson
Rebecca Stuckey
Belinda Eyers

Sunday, September 18, 2011

800 Likers Giveaway!

Well yesterday evening I was pleasantly surprised to see I'd reached a milestone of 800 Likers on my FACEBOOK Business Page.

It's been quite a long time since I last gave away a FREE Photo Session + Images. So what better way then to celebrate the support of my fans!
Annnnnd.. Not just one session winner, but THREE!

You are free to choose what kind of session you would prefer.
Sessions available are -

  • Maternity Session (to be held in the last 4 weeks of pregnancy).
  • Newborn Session (to be held in the first 6 weeks of life).
  • Baby Session (to be held between 4 and 12 months of age).
  • Children's Session (aged between 12 months and 17 years of age).
  • Portraiture (any age from 18yrs plus - restricted to one person only).
  • Family Session (up to 6 immediate family members).
  • Couples Session (can include an *E - session)
Each giveaway session will include the session fee, and 10x high resolution files on CD , in exchange for a unrestricted signed model release which gives Kylie Brand Photography permission to use the images online and for all marketing and promotional purposes.

*E - session = Engagement Session

To Enter:
  1. To go into the draw for this giveaway, you must be a LIKER on my Facebook Page.
  2. You will need to TAG yourself on the image shown above on my FACEBOOK Business Fanpage.
  3. OPTIONAL - To receive an extra entry, click on the "SHARE" link that is located below the image on my page, so to share it with your friends.

If you share this Image, make sure you select "PUBLIC", otherwise I will not be able to check it.. and then your extra entry will not count.

Entries close Sunday, 25th September 2011, and the winner of each session will be notified here on my Blog via a notification on Facebook.

Winners will be chosen by random draw.

Terms and conditions:

- Each giveaway session must be held no later then the 30th November 2011, when Kylie Brand Photography will be closing for the year.

- If the session is rescheduled by the client into 2012, the giveaway prize is automatically forfeited, and standard pricing will apply.

- If the session is rescheduled by the client outside of the recommended session ages (e.g. maternity in last 4 weeks of gestation, newborns in first 6 weeks of life, babies between 3 and 12 months old), the giveaway prize is automatically forfeited, and standard pricing will apply.

All sessions will be held in a location of Western Sydney, within a radius of 30km from Fairfield, otherwise a fuel surcharge will be incurred.

NOTE: This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with, Facebook. You are providing your information to Kylie Brand  Photography and not to Facebook. The information you provide will only be used for the Kylie Brand Photography 800 Likers Giveaway. By entering the contest you are agreeing to these terms and conditions. If you do not reside in Sydney, or you're not willing to travel to Sydney, do not enter. Prizes do not have cash value. There will be no returns/exchanges on any of the prizes.

Monday, August 8, 2011

Father's Day Mini Sessions 2011

Kylie Brand Photography's
Father's Day Mini Sessions $50 !!

To book a session or make any enquiries >>>​m

See below for limited time slots...

Those marked with a strikethrough are booked.

Saturday 13th August 2011

3:00pm - 3:30pm

- 4:00pm

4:00pm - 4:30pm

- 5:00pm

5:00pm - 5:30pm

5:30pm - 6:00pm

Saturday 20th August 2011
3:00pm - 3:30pm

- 4:00pm

4:00pm - 4:30pm

- 5:00pm

5:00pm - 5:30pm

5:30pm - 6:00pm

Sunday, July 31, 2011

On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon

On a gorgeous Sunday afternoon, I headed to one of my favourite locations to meet up with Jenni and her partner Leigh for a maternity session.  They're expecting their first little miracle and having chosen not to find out the sex of the baby, it will be an exciting surprise for everyone!

We wandered around the park looking for ideal spots...  at one particular spot, we managed to find a lonely single dandelion which is promtly featured in a couple of the shots...
All in all, I had a fun time photographing Jenni & Lee, they were both so easy going, very easy to work with.

Jenny & Leigh, I cannot wait to show you the rest of your images, and look forward to hearing the exciting news of new arrival :o)  Thank you for such an easy going session ♥

Mixed Sessions & a Korean BBQ

Well on Saturday (30th July) I had the delightful opportunity in joining two other photographers (Heidi & Fiona) for a mixed session of different subjects... We had a family & a mixture of different dancers.

Unfortunately I arrived quite late... due to a 4 car accident that happened some time before I'd hit the M4 motorway.  I'd gotten quite a few images from the Family that was participating and one of the dancers.. but my late arrival hampered some of my photographic opportunities.. limiting me to photographing some quick offside images while Heidi & Fiona were "doing their thang".

So below are just a handful of images from yesterday...

I haven't quite finished editing all of the images from this particular session.... as my husband took me out for dinner that night to try out a Korean BBQ cuisine.  My hubby and I haven't been out alone for dinner for almost 7 years... so it was something we were both looking forward to.  A big thank you to Grandma for looking after ALL FOUR of our children that night, to make our date possible.

The food was great... Of course I took photos of the lovely side dishes and mains my husband & I both had... but with such a busy weekend, I haven't had time to edit & upload them yet, so I may have to post these images in my next blog entry...

Actually while I was snapping away taking photos of our meals... I almost get the impression that the managers & staff may have thought I was a reviewer, as they often came and checked up on my husband and myself, to make sure we were happy with our meals...
After my husband and I had filled ourselves with their delicious food, we paid our bill and readied ourselves to head home, but as we headed towards the door my husband & I were surprised by all the staff calling out goodbye to us...
Whether they thought we were reviewers or not... the meals were outstanding, the service impecable, and the atmosphere cheery throughout the whole of our stay.

Friday, July 29, 2011

Happy Birthday my darling Husband

Yesterday was my husband's Birthday, and so it was a perfect excuse to try making a chocolate butterfly cake..

I've only ever baked cheesecakes, so this was my opportunity to give it go :o)

And well the verdict is... the best chocolate cake ever!
Better then a cake shop... so I was told by my Lil Miss 5 yr old.

My husband worked till quite late last night, so unfortunately he hasn't even tried it yet... :(

For anyone after a top notch chocolate cake recipe... I've supplied it below, just scroll down to the notes for the chocolate variation :o)

I promise you, you won't be able to stop at just one slice!

>>> RECIPE <<<

Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Me in a nutshell

Wow... I really have let things go on this blog... ooops!

With my kids getting sick with colds, flues, my youngest having surgery, a few birthdays... you can see why I've been easily distracted.

Well, hopefully with my latest sessions and some other posts I really should catch up on, I'm hoping now that I'll be able to post here again more often.

To start off my blog again, I thought I'd share some things about myself,  and thought this would be a fun way to share a little bit about what makes me "me"!

1.) I'm what you could call a quote collector...  Just like books or movies, I find quotes can generate strong emotions, inspire, motivate or even make us laugh.  Just recently I've gathered my favourites, and printed them up to inspire my day to day life.

2.) I absolutely love anything that's Purple or Vintage. Seriously you cannot go wrong buying something for me that fits either criteria... hehehe even better if it fits both (hint hint) ♥

3.) Darcy my sassy, strong willed mini me! My eldest daughter who tries so hard to be Mummy #2 in the house.  There was a time when she was more like her younger sister... the ultra sensitive type, but she's outgrown her sensitivity and strives to please everyone... again alot like her mummy.

4.) I look at the world like a photograph. I find beauty in things big and small, and I love to capture those moments that might not seem photograph-worthy.  And, of course, I am an aspiring photographer. It has allowed me to have creative freedom present in my life on a day to day basis. For me, photography is the most exciting, wonderful & rewarding way that I have to express myself.

5.) My Mumma & Pappa.  And aren't they the sweetest couple ♥  Married for 54 years... and still going strong!!  If that's not something to admire & aspire to, I don't know what is..
They been there for me and supported me, guided me endless times... and not to mention put up with me and never gave up on me... when others would've.  I would not be where I am or who I am without them.

6.) Gus my darling baby boy,  the last edition to our family.  He entered this world quite dramatically... (another story), but he's completed us. He's a constant delight to our family and keeps us smiling and laughing every day.

7.) Tilly, my youngest daughter.. My lil Miss sensitive, storm in a teacup, my baby girl.. loves to demonstrate how independant she wants to be. As moody as she can be, she is the most friendliest child I know. Whether we're at the medical centre, out at the shops or just going for a walk she easily strikes up  conversation with anyone.. Yes we do tell her the dangers of "stranger danger" but as long as she's with one of us, I think it's a very admirable trait!

8.) My tarago (aka mummy bus). I've come to terms with the fact that my car does not define me. My family is my biggest achievement …so why not just OWN  my mumness and buy a car that makes my life easier... And  If I am being honest..I felt empowered when I let go of the stigma.

9.) My wonderful loving husband Matthew, my rock & love of my life. We met when I was only 16. I am lucky to have such a loving and supportive husband who enables my obsession as much as humanely possible. He is the love of my life and I just couldn't make it without him. I wouldn't want to try. He's the icing on the cake, cream of the crop. The smile that I long to see, and the voice I want to hear when I go to sleep and when I wake up.

10.) Zachery, my reason for being, our eldest son, the 2nd man of our house...
Zachery has taught me how to push and then how to back off again. He's taught me to put his needs before my own. He's encouraged me to break patterns I thought were normal. And even today, Zachery is teaching me to look at life in new ways. But the most amazing lesson my son has taught me is I don’t have to be perfect to be a good mum.  

11.) I'm the kinda girl I suppose you could say looks at life through rose tinted glasses. My sentiments on life are to try and see the best in everyone, in any given situation...
There was a time in my life where others attempted to lead me to believe that wearing rose colored glasses was wrong... that by wearing them I was somehow out of touch with reality.
I believe we are each responsible for creating our own reality.

12.) My taste in music is evolving and is pretty diverse.  I pretty much enjoy anything except for hard rock/heavy metal.  Above all though my favourite would be classical music, and classic artists, such as Sarah Brightman. I easily lose myself in songs like La Luna, Pie Jesu, Time To say Goodbye.

13.) And then that's me … in a storyboard nutshell.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Casting Call February 2011

Currently I am on the look out for models to extend and update my portfolio in the following criteria:

● Maternity (28 - 38 weeks gestation)
● Newborns (from 4 days and upto 2 weeks old)
● Twins (preferably babies & toddlers)
● Teenagers
● Couples

 & last but not least....

● Canines & Felines

Please email me if you are interested or have any questions

Email Kylie Brand

If you agree to sign a model release form:

It is a free session and you'll receive one free 8x10" print of your choice.
The remainder of the images can be purchased for $100 on a CD to be mailed out to you, this will also include a copyright release, allowing you to print where ever you choose, and any size print you choose.
Approximately 10 images will be available on a private password protected online gallery for you to view, and make your selection.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 29, 30 & 31

Well yet again I have some blog posts to catch up on....

Saturday, 29th January 2011

On Saturday we all headed up to my Mum & Dad's to pick up our eldest son Zachery from his mini holiday with them through his school holidays...

On arrival to their apartment, as soon as I stepped into the lift to head up to their floor I smelt the all too familiar smell of my mother's cooking... something I always pine for when cooking my own meals...

Mum greeted us at the door and let us all in... and to my great delight my Sister was visiting for the day too <3 Unfortunately the sunlight was very bright, not a cloud in sight and I really wanted to use the reserve behind them as a back drop... So here we have my Mum & Dad and my eldest Sister :o) ** Click on the photos to bring up a bigger image **

Sunday, 30th January 2011

On this particular day it was quite warm outside, and the kids were not in the mood to be photographed, not outside nor inside...
So after collecting the clothes of the clothes line... I snapped up a photo of this lonely common weed flower... up until a few moments ago, I had no idea what this flower was called...

It is infact just a flower from the clover weeds...

I've usually found that weeds are not something you relate to as being attractive...
But I found myself compelled to photograph this lonesome flower...

My husband was that inpressed with the photo that he requested to have it in it's largest file size so that he may use it for his desktop wallpaper... Awww well that's a compliment on it's own I think ♥

** Click on the photos to bring up a bigger image **

Monday, 31st January 2011

Well to end this month's photo a day challenge, I have a couple of photos of my eldest daughter Darcy modelling her new school uniform... We'd gone to the school canteen to bulk up on school uniforms, sports uniforms & hats for her and her eldest brother Zachery..

She was so excited, and extremely proud to be wearing her new uniform... that as soon as she had it on she asked that we photograph her before the sun went down.. hehehe my daughter has already caught on to when I prefer to take outdoor photographs.

Today (Wed, 2nd Feb) was actually Darcy's 1st day in Kindergarten... and she absolutely loved it!!
More about that in a couple of posts to come :o)

** Click on the photos to bring up a bigger image **

Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 28

What a long and busy day it has been...

To sum it all up... we enrolled our eldest two children into another school today, Zachery would be starting year 6 at Smithfield Primary, and Darcy would be starting big school in Kindy...

Today was also Tilly's 1st day back at preschool without her older sister Darcy there this year...

There was alot of running around getting transfer papers, immunisations records from medicare, and then filling out some more forms at the the new school.

Tilly as I suspected coped just fine without her older sister.. when I asked her this afternoon if she missed her sister at pre-school, she replied "oh no mum, I was just too busy!". :o)

Darcy was overjoyed to see her new school.. and asked why she couldn't start today already.. she didn't care that there weren't any other kids back yet from their holidays!! On Monday we'll be getting her uniform.. and other neccessary items...
Luckily for us... Smithfield primary has the same colours in polo shirts and shorts as Zach's old school, so we won't have to completely buy everything from scratch for him to start there.

Now on top of this... the youngest in our family, Angus was a grizzley lil bear all day through.
While at home, each time I'd put him down for one of his naps, he'd wake getting only about 15-20 mins at a time of sleep :o( I'm quite certain it's his first teeth troubling him, they haven't cut through yet.. but all day Angus would chew on the corner of his favourite blankie, which is also how I'd find him after each of his short sleep stints. When he's this grizzley... I usually don't get much done at home as he becomes quite clingy and wants to be cuddled most of the time..

Hmmm... I'm thinking maybe I should pull out the baby carrier/sling again from the cupboard... maybe then I could multi task a bit??

Anyways... I did manage to head outside to our backyard while Hubby entertained our lil one.
Darcy & Tilly in tow.. they'd convinced me to come out and check out their skipping rope and hoola hoop skills. A short while afterwards I snuck back inside to grab my camera, I'd had an idea of what I would photograph today... but both my girls had other ideas, and just wouldn't play along.. So I layed down on the grass, pretending I was uninterested in what they were upto.
Tilly took no notice, but Darcy headed on over curious as to why I was taking photos of the sky..

My 1st photo below is of a gorgeous blue sky, but with puffy cotton wool like blotches of cloud.
Out of no where Darcy & I spot an aeroplane breaking through one of the clouds.. leaving a tail streak behind it..

The 2nd shot is of Darcy dreamily watching the aeroplane vanish out of sight.. as it flied further and further away.

Well I'm off now... I've already stayed up too late again tonight..
Tomorrow Zachery comes back home from his week and a half stay with his Omi & Opa (Grandparents)..

Ok... must go... very.. tired.. need..sleep

♥ Guten Nacht ♥

** Click on the photos to bring up a bigger image **

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 27

I'm very thankful.. today wasn't the scorcher like yesterday was...

The girls were able to come and go as they pleased outside, which definitely saved my sanity!

When it had cooled down a fair bit this afternoon and some of the clouds and rolled on in.. I took my lil monster Gus outside as well for a bit of a wander & play...

I sat myself beside him... and promptly started taking some photos.. Gus, quite bemused.. watched me as I snapped away, so while I had his attention I quickly grabbed a few closeups.

Do you think he's getting used to his mumma taking so many photos??

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 25 & 26

Tuesday, 25th January 2011

Well yesterday my two girls Darcy & Tilly decided they'd take their huge big stuffed toys outside to play... on the trampoline, in the swings, in their cubby... and then in the end they raced each other ontop of their doggy & pony...

Lol... After their races... as you can see they were quite sweaty & puffed :o)

Wednesday, 26th January 2011

Happy Australia Day everyone!!

Today we all stayed inside... with temps of 37°C and 88% humidity... none of us really wanted to brave the heat unless it was really neccessary..
At one stage the girls got cabin fever and needed to get out of the house for a while... but it wasn't long before they came back in with puffy red cheeks and quite a thirst for iceblocks...

Tomorrow's weather forecast is even worse then today's... so if I can find the ball catcher sprinkler set... I will try and set it up for the girls tomorrow :o)

Anyway.. today's Photo A Day is with my girls at Bathtime... I made the water considerably cooler today... but that didn't deter them from staying in just as long as they usually do :o)

Monday, January 24, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 24

I really wasn't sure what I was going to capture today for my Photo A Day.. so after dinner I headed outside into the backyard, and just photographed things that caught my eye...

At first it was the sunset, then secondly it was the silhouette of the roof of our house against the sunset.. then the washing line against the sky... the sunset had almost passed...

In the corner of my (naked) eye I saw this minuscule black thing swaying in the wind from the clothes line... and on much closer inspection, I realised it was a teeny weeny tiny spider!
So I got my camera ready and adjusted the setting to macro, and tried to focus in on this tiny lil creature. After a quite few goes, I managed to capture him... then suddenly my camera automatically recognised the darker settings, and my built in flash popped up, so I took a couple more shots... and I couldn't believe my luck... upon checking my display screen, I'd managed with the flash to snare it's web in my shots... something I would not have seen for myself in daylight or evening had I even tried.

So here are the resulting photographs... the first one shows Mr.Spidy dangling bwteen the two lines of the clothes line, the second shot close up and with the flash and then lastly also one of Tilly... she came out just after I'd taken my last shot of Mr.Spidy.. and so she asked for a photograph.. when my children request a photograph... lol I do NOT hesitate!!

**Note clicking on any of the images will bring up the original size**
**making it easier to see Mr.Spidy ;-)

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 19,20,21,22 & 23

Well it's time for a blog catch up...
And what a week it has been!!

I've been busy doing alot of graphic designs for a friends business... and so I haven't had much time to do my Photo A Day, except for taking the photos...

Wednesday, 19th January 2011

On this day, well I should say evening.. I was surprised to find out our Arabic next door neighbours had helped to lift their two grandchildren into our yard over our fence... Of course my two girls were estatic, and promptly showed off all their backyard toys and ride-ons..

Below is a photo of our two daughters with the neighbours grand-daughter...
Her little brother was wondering around at the time trying to work out how to ride the skooter.

Thursday, 20th January 2011

On this day... My kids and I were meeting up with my parents at a park in Hornsby Heights.
My son Zachery usually spends about a week with my parents each school holidays.. so that he gets to have a little bit of quiet time away from his siblings, and also gets to go out places which he wouldn't normally with us as a big family... yes I am finally realising that our family dynamics are larger then the average family :o) But you know I wouldn't have it any other way!!

Anyway... at first we all sat down to have a hot roast chicken roll picnic, and then let the kids burn off as much energy as they could before my Mum, Dad & Zachery headed back home ...

p.s. Zachery >>> WE MISS YOU VERY MUCH!!

Friday, 21st January 2011

On this day Darcy, Tilly, Angus & I headed over to Aldi to do a little shop, mainly to just get bread and milk, but of course like any other visit to Aldi, I came out with more then we'd planned...
McDonalds is conveniently {note the sarcasm} located just next door to Alsi, so the girls were begging me for a thickshake, so through the drivethru we went... my girls were delighted when not only did they get their yummeeeeey caramel thickshakes, but they both got a balloon each..
They insisted on taking them outside when we got home, so after Angus had gone down for a nap, out we went... a perfect excuse to snap a few photos... Unfortunately not long after the photos, both balloons POPPED once coming into contact with the spiky grass on the lawn..

Saturday, 22nd January 2011

While my girls were jumping away on their trampoline... I heard my lil man Angus had woken from one of his naps... So for this day's Photo A Day, I took Angus outside to watch his sisters for a little while... he was giggling his little head off watching his Sisters try to do forward flips, and other tricks.

Sunday, 23rd January 2011

Now for last night's entry... I got caught up trying to do all the usual day to day stuff... and totally forgot to capture my Photo A Day... So just in the nick of time at about 11pm'ish, I snuck into my girls bedroom to capture my two darling angels sleeping ♥.