I really wasn't sure what I was going to capture today for my Photo A Day.. so after dinner I headed outside into the backyard, and just photographed things that caught my eye...
At first it was the sunset, then secondly it was the silhouette of the roof of our house against the sunset.. then the washing line against the sky... the sunset had almost passed...
In the corner of my (naked) eye I saw this minuscule black thing swaying in the wind from the clothes line... and on much closer inspection, I realised it was a teeny weeny tiny spider!
So I got my camera ready and adjusted the setting to macro, and tried to focus in on this tiny lil creature. After a quite few goes, I managed to capture him... then suddenly my camera automatically recognised the darker settings, and my built in flash popped up, so I took a couple more shots... and I couldn't believe my luck... upon checking my display screen, I'd managed with the flash to snare it's web in my shots... something I would not have seen for myself in daylight or evening had I even tried.
So here are the resulting photographs... the first one shows Mr.Spidy dangling bwteen the two lines of the clothes line, the second shot close up and with the flash and then lastly also one of Tilly... she came out just after I'd taken my last shot of Mr.Spidy.. and so she asked for a photograph.. when my children request a photograph... lol I do NOT hesitate!!
**Note clicking on any of the images will bring up the original size**
**making it easier to see Mr.Spidy ;-)
The web looks fantastic. Love the blue sky behind. Great PADs
Love the perspective on the circle shot. I hate spiders lol so it's hard to look at the web shot - but great DOF.
It surely isn't possible, for any human with a heart, not to smile when greeted by such cuteness. Surely!?
Love that shot with the web!
These are cool, love that web!
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