And what a week it has been!!
I've been busy doing alot of graphic designs for a friends business... and so I haven't had much time to do my Photo A Day, except for taking the photos...
Wednesday, 19th January 2011
On this day, well I should say evening.. I was surprised to find out our Arabic next door neighbours had helped to lift their two grandchildren into our yard over our fence... Of course my two girls were estatic, and promptly showed off all their backyard toys and ride-ons..
Below is a photo of our two daughters with the neighbours grand-daughter...
Her little brother was wondering around at the time trying to work out how to ride the skooter.
Thursday, 20th January 2011
On this day... My kids and I were meeting up with my parents at a park in Hornsby Heights.
My son Zachery usually spends about a week with my parents each school holidays.. so that he gets to have a little bit of quiet time away from his siblings, and also gets to go out places which he wouldn't normally with us as a big family... yes I am finally realising that our family dynamics are larger then the average family :o) But you know I wouldn't have it any other way!!
Anyway... at first we all sat down to have a hot roast chicken roll picnic, and then let the kids burn off as much energy as they could before my Mum, Dad & Zachery headed back home ...
p.s. Zachery >>> WE MISS YOU VERY MUCH!! ♥ ♥ ♥

Friday, 21st January 2011
On this day Darcy, Tilly, Angus & I headed over to Aldi to do a little shop, mainly to just get bread and milk, but of course like any other visit to Aldi, I came out with more then we'd planned...
McDonalds is conveniently {note the sarcasm} located just next door to Alsi, so the girls were begging me for a thickshake, so through the drivethru we went... my girls were delighted when not only did they get their yummeeeeey caramel thickshakes, but they both got a balloon each..
They insisted on taking them outside when we got home, so after Angus had gone down for a nap, out we went... a perfect excuse to snap a few photos... Unfortunately not long after the photos, both balloons POPPED once coming into contact with the spiky grass on the lawn..
Saturday, 22nd January 2011
While my girls were jumping away on their trampoline... I heard my lil man Angus had woken from one of his naps... So for this day's Photo A Day, I took Angus outside to watch his sisters for a little while... he was giggling his little head off watching his Sisters try to do forward flips, and other tricks.
Sunday, 23rd January 2011
Now for last night's entry... I got caught up trying to do all the usual day to day stuff... and totally forgot to capture my Photo A Day... So just in the nick of time at about 11pm'ish, I snuck into my girls bedroom to capture my two darling angels sleeping ♥ ♥ ♥.

How wonderful, there's nothing sweeter than watching your children/baby sleeping, so peaceful!
gorgeous photos :)
hehe sorry being keeping you busy :P
Selena.. You're sooo not wrong there!
It's those moments when you see them sleeping so angelicly that no matter what lil rugrats they can all be.. it's all so very worth it ♥
Oh Amber... lol you DO NOT need to apologise! You know I enjoy it!! ♥
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