Friday, January 28, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 28

What a long and busy day it has been...

To sum it all up... we enrolled our eldest two children into another school today, Zachery would be starting year 6 at Smithfield Primary, and Darcy would be starting big school in Kindy...

Today was also Tilly's 1st day back at preschool without her older sister Darcy there this year...

There was alot of running around getting transfer papers, immunisations records from medicare, and then filling out some more forms at the the new school.

Tilly as I suspected coped just fine without her older sister.. when I asked her this afternoon if she missed her sister at pre-school, she replied "oh no mum, I was just too busy!". :o)

Darcy was overjoyed to see her new school.. and asked why she couldn't start today already.. she didn't care that there weren't any other kids back yet from their holidays!! On Monday we'll be getting her uniform.. and other neccessary items...
Luckily for us... Smithfield primary has the same colours in polo shirts and shorts as Zach's old school, so we won't have to completely buy everything from scratch for him to start there.

Now on top of this... the youngest in our family, Angus was a grizzley lil bear all day through.
While at home, each time I'd put him down for one of his naps, he'd wake getting only about 15-20 mins at a time of sleep :o( I'm quite certain it's his first teeth troubling him, they haven't cut through yet.. but all day Angus would chew on the corner of his favourite blankie, which is also how I'd find him after each of his short sleep stints. When he's this grizzley... I usually don't get much done at home as he becomes quite clingy and wants to be cuddled most of the time..

Hmmm... I'm thinking maybe I should pull out the baby carrier/sling again from the cupboard... maybe then I could multi task a bit??

Anyways... I did manage to head outside to our backyard while Hubby entertained our lil one.
Darcy & Tilly in tow.. they'd convinced me to come out and check out their skipping rope and hoola hoop skills. A short while afterwards I snuck back inside to grab my camera, I'd had an idea of what I would photograph today... but both my girls had other ideas, and just wouldn't play along.. So I layed down on the grass, pretending I was uninterested in what they were upto.
Tilly took no notice, but Darcy headed on over curious as to why I was taking photos of the sky..

My 1st photo below is of a gorgeous blue sky, but with puffy cotton wool like blotches of cloud.
Out of no where Darcy & I spot an aeroplane breaking through one of the clouds.. leaving a tail streak behind it..

The 2nd shot is of Darcy dreamily watching the aeroplane vanish out of sight.. as it flied further and further away.

Well I'm off now... I've already stayed up too late again tonight..
Tomorrow Zachery comes back home from his week and a half stay with his Omi & Opa (Grandparents)..

Ok... must go... very.. tired.. need..sleep

♥ Guten Nacht ♥

** Click on the photos to bring up a bigger image **

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