Sunday, January 16, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 16

While changing my lil man today, and getting in some nappy free time..
I couldn't help but take a quick photo...

Look at those dimples... aren't they just adorable!

Now on another note...
My hubby was getting the whipper snipper ready today to clean up the edges around the yard and house.. when all of a sudden he rushes inside, and asks me quickly to check something out...

Something had stung him..
My hubby is allergic to quite a few things, and bees are definitely one of them.
I couldn't see a stinger lodged in where he'd been stung, at 1st it just looked a lot like a green ant bite, but gradually the affected area was starting to swell.
Hubby quickly went and took some polaramine to try and prevent any unwanted ill effects from the sting.
Sometime afterwards he went back outside, only to come back in and tell me there was a huge wasps nest located directly above the garage door, which is where he said is exactly where he was when it happened...
We looked everywhere for a spare can of insect spray, sadly hubby had to go down the road to buy somee.
I'm think my husband may have doused the nest, because when I'd gone outside, I found about half a dozen or more european wasps dying on the concrete, and then I also stumbled across a Blue Banded Native Bee...

Here's a photo I took of the angry buggers I'd gone to pick up so my kids wouldn't accidently step on them.

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