Saturday, January 8, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 8

My hubby does the shopping every Saturday morning for me, and usually takes one of our children each time with him. Today he took both our eldest Zachery & Darcy.

So whilst they were out shopping and while Angus our youngest was asleep taking a nap, Tilly and I headed outside so I could hang out the washing, and of course I had my camera with me... as you do :-)

So inbetween me hanging out the clothes I took some photos of Tilly scrubbing down our garage walls...
Hmmm I could think of better walls she could be scrubbing, for instance the ones she drew on inside the house.

Anyway... so here are two of the photos taken. I quite like the rustic look of our garage, the tumble weed looking weeds, the paint stripped old door, old switch lights & the old fashioned windows.

**Click on the image to see in larger view.


Sharon Mallin said...

Lovely. The combination of elements is great and what a great hubby to do the weekly shop!

Sharon Mallin said...

Lovely. The combination of elements is great and what a great hubby to do the weekly shop!

Bianca said...

Oh my hubby does the shopping too. I love it! This is so gorgeos, what a great little backdrop!

Peta said...

A great little location for photos. Lovely Kylie!

LBA said...

Love rustic corners - I wish somebody, *anybody* would do my shopping/cleaning/chores/cooking etc :)

I'd like to see more of this backdrop, maybe in a wider frame .. looks interesting..

Kristen Cook said...


Jen Stocks said...

Sounds like a wonderful day! These shots are lovely!