Last year I only made it till February... I'd love more then anything to keep it going for the whole 365 day challenge.. but we'll just see how things go...
I'm still unsure whether I'll stick to a theme or not... but either way, it'll be mostly of my children/my life.
**These images are best viewed in full size. Click on the image to bring it to full size**
Zachery trying out his new rip-stick he got for Christmas from Frank & Tina ♥
A couple of months ago the council had re-done our roads... so for now our roads are ultra smooth... just what the neighbourhood kids need to ride all their latest equipment :)

Because Daddy & their eldest brother went to a museum today, I promised both my daughters that they could have their big swirly lollipops I'd bought a few days back...
When I finally brought them out... well I think the expressions on their faces sums it up quite well ♥

My 1st attempt at a HDR photo.. Our Backyard :)
(HDR - High Dynamic Range imaging)

Now to go finish processing today's "photo a day" :)
Your kids are getting so big (since I first met them). Those lollipops looks yummy!
PS That last comment was from me (Sharon Mallin) - not sure why my name didnt come through.
It'd be about 3 years ago now wouldn't it??
Yeah they're growing up fast alright, along with their big personalities, they're no where near as quiet as they used to be :-D
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