"People who say they sleep like a baby usually don't have one." ~Leo J. Burke
I hope I can still classify this photo as the Photo A Day for the 18th, I did infact take this photo after midnight... the reason being that Angus was quite unsettled yesterday, and pretty much all through the night.
I took this photo about an hour after Angus had finally fallen asleep...
It was the longest stint he'd stayed asleep for before I'd finally crawled my way into bed.
Poor Angus has been teething quite badly for the past week, and also had his hernia flare up on and off again, so the mixture of the two was probably causing him quite some discomfort last night. On that same note.. my lil man's surgery date is mid next month... I'm definitely looking forward to that being behind us all.
So all in all my day wasn't all that productive either... I was quite tired, and had no inspiration on what to photograph for the day, let alone really get a chance to.. So I hope you'll forgive me with my late entry for yesterday's Photo A Day :o)

Taken roughly at 12.30 am (19th Jan 2010).
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