Thursday, January 6, 2011

Photo A Day Challenge ~ Day 7

Well today is "All About Me" :)

I was struggling a little to work out which photo of my children I would use for today...
And then decided I didn't really have a recent photo of myself I was happy with.

So out came the tripod, put it on manual, stuck it onto auto-timer & auto focus, and I ran as quick as my legs would carry me..
The shot you see below was my 12th or 13th attempt.... It's not easy working out where you should place yourself when trying to master a self portrait..

Especially when your two daughters are racing around on their bicycles close by the tripod... Eeeeek!! Oh and it doesn't help when the sun decides to show it's full glory from those clouds either..


Alicia Kennison said...

Haha! You're braver than I am getting in front of the camera. Well done. It's a nice shot :)

(can we have video of you running back and forward next time you try this? :P )

Jennifer stocks said...

Hey, it's so great to put a face to the name! Brave girl, and you are also a gorgeous girl!

Sharon Mallin said...

Good on you Kylie - I think its important to have photo's of yourself, for you and your kids. Beautiful x

Kyles said...

Thank you girls...

I've been wanting to do it for quite some time...

Lol Alicia.. my sister has requested the same thing :-)
I do have a video camera.. so you never know, maybe one day :-D

Awww thank you Jennifer!!
I don't usually like seeing photos of myself as I'm quite critical of my own image, just like I am with my photography.. noty a good mixture for self portraits... but I'd have to admit I like this particular shot :)

And yes I know exactly what you mean Sharon... the kids might appreciate all the memories I've snapped in years to come... but they'll even more grateful they have some of their parents too <3

Whint said...

Hello you :) Self Portraits can be super hard... you have rocked it :)